CCNFO Projects
Healthy Community Mural Project
NFO Monarch Butterfly Initiative: 2017 – 2023
Description: Annual distribution of milkweed plants to homeowners throughout North Fair Oaks.
History: The project began in the Selby Park Neighborhood in the Summer of 2017. In the first year, caterpillars were observed eating the planted milkweed. Several weeks later, monarch butterflies were observed testing and drying out their new wings.
In the Summer of 2019 the project expanded outside the Selby Park neighborhood. We distributed starter plants to one or more residents in every North Fair Oaks neighborhood. In addition, forty plants were provided to the Sienna Youth Center in North Fair Oaks for their environmental programming.
Project Leaders: Kent Manske, Nanette Wylde, PreNeo Press
Information: Contact Kent Manske to receive your 2023 plants.
About the Monarch Butterfly
• Monarch butterflies are in trouble due to pesticides and loss of habitat.
• Milkweed is the only plant that monarch’s can lay their eggs on.
• Milweed is the only plant the monarch caterpillar will eat.
• Monarchs migrate to the California coast in winter.
• Milkweed is a perennial. It will die down annually, but come back.
• Collect the seeds when the pods split. Share the seeds with others.
Arte y Cafecito Library Takeover at Fair Oaks Library
Description: This initiative seeks to provide a space for artists and art enthusiasts of all kinds to share their talents, skills, and artistry with their community. Art forms can include spoken word, music, painting, film, photography etc. With the support of the Redwood City Library, CCNFO members will plan Arte y Cafecito nights at the Fair Oaks Library; 2400 Middlefield Rd, where local artists can perform, showcase, and/or teach their talents with the broader community in a fun , casual, and friendly atmosphere. We envision a series of evenings with local artisans of all kinds. The idea is to host an evening that can bring the whole community together through art… and coffee!
Project Leader: Dr. Ana Avendaño,
“Family Paint Night”, January 10, 2020 6-8pm
“Open Mic Night”, February 7, 2020 6-8pm
“Drumming Circle”, March 20, 2020, 6-8pm
Dia De Los Muertos Mural Bike Ride
Saturday, October 26, 2019, 9 am – 11 am
Description: A community bike tour of public art in North Fair Oaks. Collaboration between CCNFO and Bulldog Riders program of the Sienna Youth Center.
Project Leaders: Kent Manske (CCNFO) & Raphael Avendano (Sienna Youth Center)
Sponsorships: Contact with inquiries or sponsorship opportunities.
Route: 5 mile loop Starts at Sienna Youth Center